Types of treatment to promote a sense of wellness and health

Manual therapy such as Therapeutic massage, Integrated Myofascial Therapy, Pregnancy Massage aims to promotes a sense of wellness and health, helps to alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety, is used to help with the symptoms of pain and discomfort in many acute and chronic pain conditions. Manual therapy gives the client a chance to experience less pain and increased movement. This is the optimal time to get moving.

Everyone is unique and requires different approaches and management to restore them to health and wellbeing. Treatment sessions aim to bring back, flexibility, calmness, peace, strength and resilience to the body, mind and emotions. Each session may be slightly different as you move through the Journey of recovery. I use a tool box of techniques to help you obtain the wellness and biodynamic life you want, I will teach you self care which is easy to apply anywhere in any situation. The techniques are research based. Please call Deborah 07960255831 or email deborah@totalhealth4u.co.uk for a consultation.

Integrated Myofascial Therapy and Fascial Fitness A researched scientific based approach to hands on therapy.

What is fascia?

Originally coined by the osteopath Robert Ward, in the 1980s the term MFR was adopted by a physical therapist John Barnes to describe his method of freeing restrictions in the myofascial system. The overall intention of MFR is to relieve pain, resolve structural dysfunction, restore function and mobility and release emotional trauma. MFR techniques rely heavily on the ability of the practitioner to use the “listening touch”; tune into the tissues and follow the fascia to where restrictions are held.

The fascia is the soft skeleton of the whole body, it is an organ of tensegrity meaning it provides support, movement and strength. However when it becomes over wrapped it tightens arounds blood vessels, nerves, muscle and bone causing pain and stiffness. The glide in the joints becomes restricted causing pain and reduced flexibility, altered movement patterns are set up and pain can then occur in another area of the body. This treatment allows the soft skeleton, the fascia, to be unwound restoring its fluidity, movement and strength. The underlying muscles and skeleton can begin to function smoothly, reducing joint pain and restoring performance to the body.

‘The fascial system consists of the three-dimensional continuum of soft, collagen containing, loose and dense fibrous connective tissues that permeate the body. It incorporates elements such as adipose tissue, adventitiae and neurovascular sheaths, aponeuroses, deep and superficial fasciae, epineurium, joint capsules, ligaments, membranes, meninges, myofascial expansions, periostea, retinacula, septa, tendons, visceral fasciae, and all the intramuscular and intermuscular connective tissues including endo-/peri-/epimysium. The fascial system surrounds, interweaves between, and interpenetrates all organs, muscles, bones and nerve fibers, endowing the body with a functional structure, and providing an environment that enables all body systems to operate in an integrated manner’ (Stecco et al., 2018).Stecco, C., Adstrum, S., Hedley, G., Schleip, R., & Yucesoy, C. A. (2018). Update on fascial nomenclature. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 22(2), 354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.12.015

Integrated myofascial therapy has excellent results, providing more effective treatments to get you pain free and moving again. Clients find they improve more rapidly and are restored back to a pain free life.

I am an Advanced Integrated Myofascial Therapist CiMT, trained with Ruth Duncan at www.myofascialrelease.co.uk

For ongoing self care I will teach you in a group or 1-2-1 session some fascial fitness techniques these are easy to learn bringing strength and flexibility back to you body. I have trained in February 2022 with the Fascial Training Academy who are doing incredible research into the fascial system www.fasciatrainingacademy.com

Trained with College of Classical Massage in foundation of Myofascial release https://collegeofclassicalmassage.com

Therapeutic Advanced Massage

Releasing pain and muscle tension using classic massage techniques to warm, stretch and aid the restoration of movement preventing the build up of pain. The massage also incorporates Trigger point techniques to target specific areas of pain and referred pain. To get enhanced results active and passive stitches to restore flexibility and movement in the muscles and joints and to create ongoing strength and resilience are used in the session and given as self care to empower you and give you tools to support your body and mind.

Totally invigorating and transforming, touch allows the unlocking of the memory within the muscle which stores trauma, hurts and injuries which can often build up over many years resulting in “dis-ease” of the body, mind and emotions.

Deep tissue massage allows the body to completely let go of the baggage it carries, unknowingly, day by day, resulting in a deep sense of freedom within the body and mind.

A powerful combination of power and sensitivity as the full use of the therapist’s body weight through the soft forearm invites the body to melt into a state of total relaxation, rebalancing muscles and the skeletal system.

Some of the feelings noticed by clients following  massage; pain free, released, energised, loose, lighter, relaxed, confident, completely free!

Massage for Pregnancy, Labour and Beyond

During pregnancy your body goes through many major changes which alter the natural balance and rhythm of your body and emotions.

Massage during pregnancy is one of the safest and most relieving treatments without the use of drugs.

A wonderfully soothing experience combining relaxation, gentle, stretching and energy rebalancing enjoyed by both mum and baby. The gentleness restores calm, focus and a sense of control and self confidence.

Complete your happiness by soothing away the tiredness, releasing aching neck and shoulders, relieving swollen legs.

After birth a tummy tuck without the surgery! Massage, combined with gentle exercises, effectively tones and strengthens the muscles after birth, helping your body recover.

Trained in Diploma of Pregnancy Massage with Suzanne Yates at https://www.wellmother.uk and Registered Nurse and Midwife

Massage for Labour Workshop

Specialist workshops, for couples, in small friendly groups or as individual couples. Workshops are run by myself, with 12 years expertise in pregnancy and labour, as a  midwife and 19 years musculoskeletal experience to provide you both with confidence and tools that work for you. These are skills to allow you the freedom to choose the outcome you wish for your baby’s birth.

  • Simple effective to learn pain relieving techniques
  • Skills to aid relaxation and breathing
  • Empowering visualisation techniques both for calmness and energy
  • Tools to help you stay in control

Hopi Ear Candles

Relief without medicine from Catarrah, Sinusitis, Glue Ear, Colds, Flu, Sore Throats, Hay Fever, Headaches, Migraine, Tinnitus, Vertigo, Labyrinthitis, Pressure caused from flying or diving.

An ancient traditional remedy of the Hopi tribe of North American Indians bringing peace and harmony to the body, mind and soul.

The all natural flax candle is prepared to the traditional formula using honey, beeswax and therapeutic herbs of Camomile, Sage and St Johns Wort. The therapeutic herbs cleanse and protect the ear canal, soothing irritated areas whilst boosting the immune system.

During the gentle burning the soothing massage of the eardrum allows pressure to be regulated in the sinuses leaving a feeling of lightness and freedom within the head and ears.

Body and Mind Connection

There are times when the body and mind are both affected and counselling work is required there is an option to contact Counselling Wiltshire https://counsellingwiltshire.co.uk