Summer newsletter 2024
Myofascia, scar therapy and massage involves talking and listening to the body, often our western mindset has led us to dismiss what our body is saying. we are born with an innate sense of survival and when we truly spend time actively listening and responding to the body we can change and adapt , recently completing the Advanced Myofascial Therapy training and advanced scar practitioner course has re-emphasied slowing down and waiting and talking to the body through these gentle hands on therapies. Backache and sciatica are one of the most prevalent problems people experience during our now predominant sitting culture, one particular beautiful and gentle yet powerful sacrum technique unwound an intense period of sciatica for one person her testimony is below. ”I suddenly had sciatica, and it was very painful. Painful to sit, stand up, lie down, turn over, to walk. I contacted Deborah and with her skill in listening and understanding what was needed she explained how MFR could help. I came for some gentle, hands on sessions over a few weeks and everything gradually settled down. It was good being treated as a whole person and how the sciatica was affecting me.”
The advanced course also looks into the nervous system in more detail as everything we do is channelled via this system, it can often be an area that is overlooked but can lead to the brain almost blanking out a particular part of the body particularly if there has been severe injury or trauma. Myofascial therapy helps to change the signalling pattern and allows the brain to hear and see the body again, it can be very profound, here is one persons story. “I visited Deborah recently following a recommendation from a friend . I was experiencing calf pain whilst out on my daily walks, it was getting worse and I was actually limping after 30 minutes, I had tried a chiropractor which had helped initially but didn’t last. Deborah spent along time talking through my issues and assessing my body and discovered the nerve signals down my left leg were not getting through to my brain properly which was manifesting as pain. Interestingly this was the side of my stroke, which may just be a coincidence. Anyway following this session we awoke the nerve pathways and I am now pain free. It’s amazing how you must treat the mind and body as a whole .Deborah was very easy to get on with and put me at ease straight away.”
Total health is always a combination of addressing 3 main things, biology -the body, psychology-the mind/emotions and social- how someones environment is affecting them. When all 3 are in balance there is ease and harmony, when all 3 areas are talking and responding together we are at ease, we are efficient in our energy and fluid in our movement, our mind is peaceful. There is a dynamic approach to health, a contraction and expansion, a balance of pull and push, too much of either creates a pull and drag in the fascia system and changes how we flow and move. Scar restrictions, altered posture, injury can create those pull and push tendencies and over time can set up holding patterns. The picture below show the fascia structure which is found throughout the entire body.

The picture above shows fascia, the collagen fibres criss cross to give protection and structure. Elastin fibres give movement and transfer and store energy to maintain tension and stretch. The little droplets are ground substance that contains water and hyaluron to metabolise energy, transport fluids and carry nutrients. Nerves, blood vessels sit between these structures and move as the fascia moves. Bones, muscles and organs are wrapped around by fascia for protection. It is an awesome fascinating structure but like any other part of the body requires caring for. Fascia requires stimulation through all of its structures to enable it to function efficiently.
All of the hands on treatments I offer incorporate techniques that address the following and help to change holding patterns, reduce pain, enable better joint mobility and tissue movement. 1. Stretching – stimulates shape, lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation to help reduce pain 2. Spring – stimulates the elastic storage capacity of the fascia especially important for muscle fibres and tendons 3. Revive – to allow fluid exchange which stimulates the metabolism, improves flexibility and body awareness 4. Feel – stimulates the sense of movement, brings depth to body perception by noticing and exploring movements. We may think fitness and health is just about muscles and strength but its a whole lot more interesting and can be incorporated into your daily routine , no need to go to the gym, after each hands on session self care that you can easily do at home is given. It is safe after, surgery or injury and a great way to start rehabilitation. Specific Fascial Fitness sessions can be arranged on a one to one basis or as a group, it includes a variety of training stimuli that challenges the 4 main functions of fascia. If you would like to book a session of self care for Fascial Fitness give me a call 07960 255831.
I would love to hear from you with your testimonies, also please leave a google review using this link–EAg/review or email me at
If you, your family and friends would like a free telephone consultation to help them address any symptoms of pain, to receive scar therapy or to assist with pregnancy related symptoms or to have a fun fascia fitness session give me a call or message. I look forward to hearing from you soon Yours in health Deborah